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Via Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Deploy smart contracts on the ETHG chain

Here are the detailed steps for deploying smart contracts on the ETHG chain:

To deploy smart contracts on the ETHG chain, developers need to configure an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible wallet and use the Solidity programming language through Remix IDE for deployment. Here are the specific configuration and deployment steps:

1. For example, configuring the Metamask wallet:

Launch the Metamask browser extension on your computer.

2. Adding a new network:

Click the network selection dropdown menu in the Metamask wallet and choose "Custom RPC".

3. Enter ETHG network details:

Network Name: ETHG

New RPC URL:https://rpc.etherumgold.me

Chain ID: 868

Currency Symbol (Symbol): ETHG

Block Explorer URL (optional):https://www.etherumgold.me/explorer/

Save after confirming all settings are correct.

Deploying Smart Contracts Using Remix IDE

1. Visit Remix IDE:

Open https://remix.ethereum.org in your browser.

2. Create a smart contract:

Create a new Solidity file in Remix IDE and write the smart contract code.

3. Compile the smart contract:

Compile the smart contract code using the compiler in Remix IDE.

4. Connect the Metamask wallet:

 In Remix IDE, select the "Deploy and Run Transactions" module, and choose "Injected Web3" from the environment dropdown list to connect to the Metamask wallet.

5. Deploy the smart contract:

Ensure Metamask is set to the ETHG network. Choose the appropriate contract and click the "Deploy" button. Metamask will request confirmation of the transaction, review and confirm the deployment.

6. Verify and interact:

Once deployed, the smart contract will be available for interaction in Remix IDE. You can test the contract's functionality through the functions provided by the contract.

Through the above steps, developers can successfully deploy EVM-compatible smart contracts on the ETHG chain. This deployment method not only ensures compatibility with the Ethereum ecosystem but also utilizes the features of the ETHG network. Be sure to follow best practices and network security guidelines to protect your assets and data.

The above steps make it easy for both novices and experienced developers to get started with contract deployment on the ETHG chain.